Canada's leading dental study club in Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry education.



The Toronto Crown and Bridge Study Club was started by a small group of dedicated dentists in 1954. Its stated purpose was to promote excellence in fixed bridge technique. Meetings were originally held at the U of T's Faculty of Dentistry building on College St. in Toronto. Through successive generations and locations, the club has grown to just over 600 members.... Despite our club name, the focus of our continuing education has extended beyond Toronto geographically and "Crown and Bridge" philosophically to include all facets of clinical general dentistry. We have been AGD accredited since 1976. This reaffirms our goal to present the highest level of continuing education from globally recognized speakers without commercial support or endorsement. This allows us to present consistent excellent unbiased information in a collegial friendly open atmosphere. Presently our club is the largest in Canada and the second largest in North America. Our strength lies in the commitment of dedicated volunteer executive members who scout tirelessly for speakers and govern the annual operations of this organization. This spirit of professional excellence, community and cooperation will serve us well into our next 70 years.



2024/2025 SPEAKERS

CE Credits

All category 2 courses in this series will be available to stream after each lecture starting the Wednesday after for 2 weeks.
Credits will be granted for viewing the stream if you have not attended the in-person lecture.

The Category 1 Core Course is a virtual event hosted on Zoom. There will be no streaming for that lecture after the course date.


Time to join to the club.

Due to the popularity of our club, we continue to maintain a waiting list. Names are placed on the waiting list in the order that prospective member registrations are received.

At the annual registration period for all members (June to July), the waitlist members are asked to submit a cheque or credit card number to cover the cost of the annual dues.

Note: After the deadline for annual registration is passed, waitlist members will be added to the membership to fill the open spots. Any late waitlist registrations received after the deadline date will be placed on the waiting list in priority sequence according to the date it was received (ie. at the bottom).

All lecture attendees are responsible for keeping their proof of attendance for continuing education points submission.

Sign up for the TCBSC Waitlist

Our 2024/2025 Club Executive

  • President - Dr. Nick Sanci
  • President Elect - Dr. Raffy Chouljian
  • Treasurer - Dr. John Glenny
  • Secretary - Dr. Shammick Kotecha
  • Past President - Dr. Pasha Nasirzadeh
  • Past Past President - Dr. Ester Canton



10 Thornmount Drive
Scarborough, ON
M1B 3J4